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Map of HDB blocks colored by height

Map of HDB blocks – colored by height

This map is an alternative to the map of HDB blocks colored by construction year, which is one of most popular projects I made on this website.

As December 2023 the map contains 12794 residential buildings, with the following breakdown:

Icon color . .PixelsRGB

no floors  31119
unknown  174
1 floors11255,64,6432
2 floors11255,64,6411497
3 floors11255,88,6423430
4 floors12255,112,64142882
5 floors12255.136.642414
6 floors12255,160,644620
7 floors13255,184,647123
8 floors13255,208,64381
9 floors13255,232,6425212
10 floors14255,255,64100547
11 floors14232,255,6449653
12 floors14208,255,64641928
13 floors15184,255,64551119
14 floors15160,255,6433568
15 floors15136,255,6419636
16 floors16112,255,64271066
17 floors1688,255,648562
18 floors1664,255,64285
19 floors1764,255,88148
20 floors1764,255,11210164
21 floors1764,255,136105
22 floors1864,255,1601108
23 floors1864,255,184538
24 floors1864,255,20835
25 floors1964,255,23216370
26 floors1964,255,25535
27 floors1964,232,25528
28 floors2064,208,25525
29 floors2064,184,25510
30 floors2064,160,255126
31 floors2164,136,2556
32 floors2164,136,2555
33 floors2164,136,2555
34 floors2164,112,2555
35 floors2164,112,2559
36 floors2264,112,2559
37 floors2264,88,255
38 floors2264,88,25515
39 floors2264,88,255
40 floors2264,64,25572
41 floors2388,64,2553
42 floors2388,64,2555
43 floors2388,64,2555
44 floors23112,64,255
45 floors23112,64,255
46 floors24112,64,255
47 floors24136,64,2553
48 floors24136,64,2552
49 floors24136,64,255
50 floors24160,64,2557

How to search / filter blocks on map

Click block Click magnify button in top-left (next to Map / Satellite) to navigate to a specific location, town, block number, street name or postal code.

Use filter boxes to show only blocks containing specific info:

  • Project name: type “BTO 2020” or “SERS 2003” to see projects sold via specific scheme in a specific year, or type a BTO name to see only it.
  • Completion year: type a number to see blocks completed in specific year, typing 20 show all blocks completer after 2000.
  • Block era: type completed, demolished, under construction, typing 19 show blocks built from 1930s to 2005, or 20 show blocks built after 1997.
  • Highest floor: type a number to see blocks with a specific number of floors.
  • Number of units: type 1-room, 2-room, 3-room, 4-room, 5-room, executive, studio, etc, to see blocks having a particular flat type.
  • Unit number: type stack number, example: 345, not #12-345 to see in which block that unit is located (available for recent blocks, most blocks built before 2005 don’t have unit numbers in database).
  • Possible floor plans: copy-paste URL of a floor plan to see in which blocks can be found, or “to be added” to see blocks without floor plans (you can contribute by sending me floor plans).

I can guarantee 100% accuracy for block numbers, street addresses, unit numbers, lease years, number of units breakdown by flat type, etc. Sources of each information is indicated HERE.

I cannot guarantee accuracy for floor plans, they being added from my personal research, so I need your help, please report wrong floor plans!

About me & history of HDB map

HDB DatabaseI have been collecting HDB data since 2009, making HDB Blocks Database in Excel, an original compilation “Made by Teoalida” which took over 500 hours of work. Collecting data from multiple sources, I manually entered data in one Excel table for all HDB blocks ever built in Singapore, indicating block number, street address, postal code, GPS coordinates, construction year, lease commence date, number of floors, number of units breakdown by flat type, upgrading programmes, brochures and floor plans. Since 2015 I sold Excel file to various companies.

I also collected over 1000 floor plans in PDF format from HDB’s Sale of Balance Flats. In 2009 I wrote HDB history & floor plans evolution 1930s-present which I updated in 2014 with new screenshots for ~70 floor plans that I though that are most common.

In July 2017 I made a drop down search to enquire information from HDB Database (one block at time).

I wanted for long time to display data in an interactive map, but I did not had sufficient technical knowledge to do this. Thanks to Sik Shu Wei who contacted me in August 2017, I saw a colored map on his website, he told me that made map with Google Fusion Tables, a FREE experimental application that provided only 9 colors of colored dots, as well as other icons representing various businesses. Sik Shu Wei map was only displaying lease commence date and colored blocks accordingly, it was a MESS because lease commence date is provided by HDB only for blocks available on resale market, so rental blocks and recent blocks under construction or under MOP were in same color on his map.

I made my own interactive map in September 2017 importing my very detailed HDB Database into Google Fusion Tables. Google announced closure of Fusion Tables on 3 December 2019, so in October 2019 I moved to ZeeMaps, a paid service that provide 31 colors to choose from, and ability to filter and display only blocks of specific criteria. If anyone thinks that is better to use different colors that indicate block types and construction years, please tell.

In December 2022 I recreated maps in WP Go Maps (WordPress plugin) and deleted ZeeMaps.

In September 2024 I moved map to a custom-made software by ByteRemix.

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3 comments about Map of HDB blocks colored by height

    1. If you are referring at legend showing one 1-floor block standing, that was an error, an 11-storey block appeared as 1-storey. But there have been 1-storey terraced houses built by SIT, now demolished (Bukit Panjang Estate, and maybe more)

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