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Database of HDB resale flat prices in Excel format

I got database of HDB resale transactions from 1990 to present and I spent several hours creating Excel formulas to analyze data.

I offer an Excel file with the following analysis:

  • Number of HDB resale transactions by year and month (1 table and 1 chart)
  • Number of HDB resale transactions by year and town (1 table and 1 chart)
  • HDB average resale flat prices by year and month (1 table)
  • HDB average resale flat prices by lease year (1 table and 1 chart)
  • HDB average resale flat prices by storey (1 table and 1 chart, per sqm)
  • HDB average resale flat prices by flat type (table and 2 charts, sale price and price per sqm)

Another Excel file with above analysis, plus:

  • HDB average resale flat prices by town (5 tables and 5 charts, all flat types, 3-room, 4-room, 5-room, Executive)
  • HDB average resale flat prices by town and flat type (27 tables and 54 charts, sale price and price per sqm)

And the resale transactions listings, so you can do your own analysis:

Download a FREE sample: Bukit Timah resale transactions + analysis

Contact me for custom packages (specific towns only) or additional analysis.

Private property resale transactions

Several people asked me if I can provide similar Excel databases for private transactions.

Private property transactions are tracked by URA and REALIS and can be consulted on URA website (consulted only, not copied – I haven’t found any working method to scrap them). REALIS provide access to Excel database only to universities, I has been showing this by students telling me that are NOT ALLOWED to share data with third parties.

Why I created this database and sell for $

On 1 April 2009, HDB InfoWeb improved its Resale Flat Prices e-service, to show transactions for last 1 year instead of last 3 months, also added flat model beside floor area. 20 transactions were displayed at one time. I spent 10 days (~5 hours per day) to copy all transactions for 1 year (April 2008 – March 2009) in Microsoft Excel and do analysis: estimate average apartment size nationwide and per town, and show the results in HDB Statistics page. Few months later HDB showed all transactions in a scroll-able list rather than 20 pages, allowing me to copy transactions much faster, so started to update my database once per year. I had NO intention to publish or commercialize it.

While monitoring traffic with, in 2012 I saw that 2 people searched on Google exactly the text shown on HDB Statistics page “I copied HDB Resale Transactions for one year in Microsoft Excel to make calculations”, probably they were trying to find the original Excel file, or possible other source of Statistics page (thinking that the Statistics were not made by me but copied from elsewhere). The only way to get the source of statistics was to contact me. So I decided to publish Excel database of HDB Resale Flat Prices on my website for people interested.

Why I charge money: Excel table can be used by agents for a detailed analysis of HDB flat prices drop and rise, which is not possible on HDB InfoWeb, or be converted to CSV or SQL and used comercially in website development. If you want just to view HDB flat prices (last 1 year), you can do this for FREE on HDB InfoWeb.

I offered updates at price of $50 per update, leaving people to decide to pay $50 per month, per few months or per year. Due to the size of database, Microsoft Excel runs slowly, I am spending about 20 hours each time I update the XLS file, regardless if I update every month or once per year. Time is money! Onmly 3 customers purchased database by 2015, all doing one-time research and not interested in updates.

Note: HDB changed its e-service on 10 March 2014, now showing Resale Registration Date instead of Resale Approval Date, causing flats to jump from one month to another, some prices are different, also the storey is shown in ranges of 3 floors instead of 5. This cause some incompatibilities with previous database. So I decided to sell the database April 2008 – December 2013 (149930 records for $149) and start a new database 2013-present, overlapping 1 year (23476 records as July 2014). Feel free to combine them if you want to have a messy database.

FREE sample:
HDB-Resale-Flat-Prices-SAMPLE.xls containing transactions listings for ONE town + Most expensive flats + Statistics

Buy the complete database with 26 towns:

Each package contains 3 files:
Original: 26 sheets, 1 flat = 2 rows (as copied from HDB website).
Enhanced: 26 sheets, 1 flat = 1 row, added colors, filter and sort macros.
Enhanced & towns merged: one sheet containing all 26 towns.

They include HUDC transactions and data is organized a bit differently than the FREE data offered on since 2016

Since 2016 government offer data for FREE

In 2016 one of my partner agents emailed me a database with resale transactions 2000-present, saying that downloaded it for FREE from before they deleted it, and offered it to me so I can sell it via my website.

Thank you to Singapore Government for killing my sales! Maybe is useful for community if government is providing such data for FREE, while I have other databases to make a living from. re-published the transactions database in 2016 or 2017, now going back to 1990, I downloaded it for FREE and spent over 10 hours studying them and doing data analysis in Excel, to sell analyzed data for $54 ($2/town) and analysis + database for $759 (759,875 transactions) even if I had a feeling that is NOT right to charge money for something available for free, but my partner agent said that I can sell for $ since many people are not aware of

There was at least a period in 2018 when files could not be downloaded from and I though that is my chance to make some $, but I was WRONG, many people were aware that data could be obtained for free from, so since 2017 nobody ever paid me for the full database. Only several people who bought the $1 and $54 analysis. I reduced price from $759 to $100 but I still don’t expect people to pay for this (maybe someone who want to analyze free data but don’t have time to write Excel formulas himself will buy from me?).

HDB Resale Flat Prices Database
HDB resale flat prices by flat type HDB resale flat prices per sqm by flat type
HDB resale flat prices per square meter by lease year HDB resale flat prices per square meter by storey

Chat started on Thursday, March 22, 2018 2:54:32 PM

(2:54:32 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(2:54:34 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there… if you need any help or just wanna chat, drop here a message!
(3:02:06 PM) Visitor: 1990-2017, 759,895 transactions –
2012-2017, 102,100 transactions
1.database in what format? csv?

2.And I dun see purchase price only resale price.
3.And how about datasets for private properties?
(3:02:19 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(3:02:22 PM) Teoalida: is Excel
(3:02:28 PM) Teoalida: how do I know initial purchase price?
(3:03:09 PM) Teoalida: private prices do exist in URA but is protected and cannot be copied or scraped
(3:04:54 PM) Visitor: ok understood. Need this data for school project, sad…dun hv $759. Thanks anyway
(3:05:43 PM) Teoalida: do you want for free, but without my analysis?
(3:09:07 PM) Teoalida: I don’t understand why my partner told me that I can sell resale prices for money with my analysis… you can get from
(3:17:34 PM) Visitor: yes pls. I’m fine without your analysis. link dun work…
(3:18:45 PM) Teoalida: they changed URL
(3:18:53 PM) Teoalida:
(3:21:16 PM) Visitor: hmm… there are 3x csv files there but none works. 404 Not Found
The resource could not be found.
Dataset not found

(3:22:27 PM) Teoalida:
(3:22:29 PM) Teoalida: can’t find either
(3:22:44 PM) Teoalida: well, if removed this free resource, then is my chance to make some money
(3:24:12 PM) Teoalida: but for you I will give FREE because you been aware of this… leave your email?
(3:30:03 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

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